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Yellow Slime Fun


 Giving children a space to interact with peers in a small group setting to help them build resilience and learning new coping skills. 

Arts & Crafts


5 week programme.


A Huddle is a theraputic group workshop bringing together mindfulness, art & play to support children with emotional regulation issues, social or communication needs and/or low confidence and self-esteem.  



Location 1:

Peninsula Healthy Living,

4 Church Grove, Kircubbin, 

BT22 2SU



Location 2:

The Haven Studios,

2B Castle Square,


Bt20 4SR 



Starts Thursday  28th July

to Thursday 25th August

P1 to P4 - Kircubbin

Thursdays 10.00am to 11.00am

 (Fully Booked!) 

P5 to P7 - Kircubbin

Thursdays 11.30am to 12.30pm

 (Fully Booked!) 

P7's Transitioning to Secondary School  - Bangor

Thursdays 3.00pm to 4.00pm

 (Fully Booked) 

A maximum of 8 children per Huddle Group.


As spaces are limited, slots will be given on a first come, first served basis.

register your interest

Only designated uHub staff will have access to this information.  View our privacy policy for more information.

Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch to confirm your childs place on your choosen Huddle.

Sorry, these Huddles have been booked up! If any spaces become available we will let our follows know on Facebook! Keep your eye out for other events & huddles coming up in the future!

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